Hi Lucy, These short snippets are always just long enough for some meaty content! This morning I am wondering if there is any research linking our health/balance with the climate? At this time of the year the light is saying one thing and the weather another and everything seems to be teetering in and out of balance around us!

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Thank you, Anne 🙏🏽 Yes it’s central to Ayurveda. We are part of the environment and it effects our balance of the doshas. That is why, for the autumn and spring cleanses, we need to look at the weather to decide when to do these, rather than a date. I will do an Ayurvedic ‘short’ on it, further on. But in summary, we need to balance the qualities we take in through our find choices and ways of living, to balance out the environmental qualities. If the weather is damp and soggy we are receiving lots of the water and earth elements, so need to lighten up with kapha balancing regime – lighter foods, dryer foods. When hot and sunny we need to balance out that heat with cooling foods. The reason I’m going to build an Ayurvedic resource is to teach people how to work with what is turning up, rather than a static list of dates to do things, and ingredients to eat. 😍

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I hope you are resting & starting to feel better 🧡

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Thank you, Tiffany. Yes I am. It’s been a great example of Ayurveda and mainstream medicine working side by side 💕

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It’s just another way to look at the interconnected nature of life itself - fascinating!

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Yes! One that is over 5000 years old and has stood the test of time. Western culture has come so far away from understanding we are a part of our environment, and that we are energy first, and how to understand that in order to take care of ourselves and the eco-system we are part of!

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