Thank you Lucy it answers a lot for me. I’ve noticed since I stopped watching tv and only glance at news headlines that I’ve been better at sleeping. Not all the time but getting a more relaxing sleep pattern. Never checked out Ayurveda but will now. Your walk and your descriptions are so settling. Again thank you

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You’re really welcome, I’ll be putting out an Ayurvedic podcast later in the year, if you have specific things you would like to know, tell me and I’ll make sure I cover them.

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Perfectly said....yes, so helpful to slow down and listen within. For what it's worth, I stopped engaging with the TV and radio news in 2020, and my mental health has been so much better! Best wishes Ax

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Thank you Ann. So lovely to hear that, I don’t have a TV anymore either. It’s been an absolute game changer for me. X

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Thank you so much for the mention, Lucy! And what a delightful, wise, and useful post. I love how you describe attuning and responding to our weather inside and out. Certain things are so instinctual, intuitive, and simple...yet are too often lost in these times.

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Agreed! I’ve just got off that little train that trundled me back home after a morning at the climbing centre with one of my sons. It was full of people all ages chattering, truly lovely 😊

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That sounds beautiful and life-giving, Lucy!

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