This is a very interesting read. I have definitely come to the conclusion that my vata constitution needs animal proteins, though I tend to limit this to chicken, fish and eggs. I'm curious that you specify red meat and wonder what difference this would make? I have steered clear of red meat for many years as I find it rather heavy to digest...

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This confirms my experience in so many ways. I've always loved and craved meat - my mother said asking for more meat was the first thing I said as a baby. As a young adult, not cooking much or looking after myself very well, I would sometimes get a visceral craving for steak. As soon as I ate some, the craving went and I felt stronger, better. The same thing has been happening over the past couple of years, but this time with lamb. After a good lamb curry, I feel completely different - stronger and calmer. It's as if my system's had a reset!

A while ago I did an online course on Animism. The second main topic, introduced by the teacher as a difficult one for some, was meat-eating and vegetarianism. He told us not to kid ourselves that by being vegetarian we would be avoiding the consumption of other beings. From an animist perspective, plants are beings too. There's no problem with eating - it's what humans and other animals have to do in order to live. The important thing is your attitude to your food, which should be one of appreciation and gratitude.

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