Hmmm I seem to have drawn the short straw with a very early get up time (kapha blessings) but I am kind of intrigued to see if I could give it a go.

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It is definitely health dependant 😊

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Thank you for this, Lucy!

Nectar time. I ritualize this time for me and know it’s been beneficial to my well being yet I never heard it described quite like this. How lovely - now I will savor my sweet nectar time even more 🍑💛

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Hi Lucy,

I tried the link provided,but, it tells me that it sadly has expired 😞

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Hi David, perhaps it’s a substack tech issue, I will post the url here in case: http://thehealerjournal.org/healer/index.php/healer/article/view/136/66

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I’ve just tried it and it takes me there 🤔 I will have a think to try and work out why it doesn’t work for you 😊

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Love this Lucy. Thanks for the reminder 🙏

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Thank you, Vicki 😊

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Thank you, Tiffany 🙏🏽

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